Built To Serve, Serving to Build
Built To Serve, Serving to Build
The Ugandan Community Church was founded in 1991, in Van Nuys, California by The Rev. Sam Magala, The Rev. Joy Magala, The Rev. Edmond Mugwanya and the late Major Geoffrey Kasule. They all felt a conviction on their hearts to open up a Ugandan Community Church in the San Fernando Valley. This was where most Ugandans lived. Led by the Spirit of God, The Rev. Joy Magala, while driving on Sherman Way in Van Nuys, saw the above building of Saint Marks Episcopal Church in Van Nuys, California. She felt in her heart that this was a place the Ugandan Community Church should meet for their services as well. She and The Rev. Sam Magala approached the administration of this church and they were offered to have the Ugandan Community Church service at 5pm every Sunday.
The Ugandan Community Church was the first Ugandan Church in the heart of the San Fernando Valley. It was founded at the time when there were very few Ugandans in the area. A lot has changed since then, but the foundational things have stayed the same. Many churches and ministries have sprung from this ministry.
Mothers Union California is one of the ministries of the Ugandan Community Church that was founded in 2013. Approximately 300 members were inaugurated as members on that day.
Fathers Union is another ministry of the Ugandan Community Church that was founded in 2015. Approximately 100 members were inaugurated as members on that day.
The Youth ministry has been around since the Ugandan Community Church was founded.
In the summer of 1998, our Pastors committed themselves to take the Youths to a summer camp every year for a week or so.